Board Members
Chair: Olivia B Vice Chair: Open Recording Secretary: Amy W Corresponding Secretary: Michele C Treasurer: Open Region 2 Reps: Renee D and Cindy S WSO Delegate: Bryan V Hotline Coordinator: Amanda M Fifth Tradition: Sheree W Lifeboat Newsletter: Helen O Special Services: Laurie H Ways & Means: Open Website Liaison: Helen O Committees:
Bylaws Review: Olivia B, Asia R, and Lisa S Prudent Reserve: Michele C, Ken P, and Bryan V If you are interested in joining the board or have any questions, suggestions or issues you wish to discuss with the board members please contact us at: [email protected] |
It's really one of the easiest commitments to have! The following positions in the intergroup are:
Chair: shall preside at all Intergroup monthly meetings and at any special meetings. The Chairperson prepares meeting agendas and is one of the signers of the bank accounts. Vice-Chair: shall fulfill all the responsibilities of the Chairperson when the Chairperson is absent. Treasurer: One of the signers of the bank accounts. S/he shall receive and disburse requests for payments, keeping accurate records of each transaction. The Treasurer shall manage all bank accounts and ensure records agree with bank records. S/he shall prepare and present financial reports to the Intergroup as needed and provide counsel on all Intergroup financial matters. Recording Secretary: shall prepare minutes for each Intergroup meeting; maintain membership rosters and all original OA IE IG Bylaws and organizational records. Corresponding Secretary: handles all correspondence between the Intergroup and Local Meeting via Email and bi-monthly mailings of the Lifeboat Newsletter. Hotline Coordinator: answers calls left at the message center and questions pertaining to local meetings via email. 5th Tradition: carries the message of OA recovery to the level of press, radio, television and other public media of communication. Public information activities include preparation of newspaper support group notices, coordination of public service announcements for local radio and television stations, conducting local media interviews and handling requests for information. This person will act as the liaison between the Intergroup and interested medical, clergy, military, employee assistance programs and eating disorder therapists. Among their duties is the regular mailing of the Intergroup Meeting List to professionals. Lifeboat Newsletter: is responsible for the regular publication of the LIFEBOAT Newsletter. Newsletter activities include coordination and/or preparation of articles, media searches for applicable items for publication, coordination of media word processing, artwork, layout, and printing, as well as delivery to Intergroup meetings for distribution to group representatives. Ways & Means: coordinates Intergroup activities in support of encouraging existing OA members to become or remain abstinent, to work the Twelve Steps and to give service to the best of their ability. These activities may include: preparing and presenting workshops, marathons and retreats; sponsoring personally or by mail/email; focusing on membership retention; and providing literature that addresses Twelfth-Step-Within concern. Website Liaison: works with the webmaster to develop and maintain the website for the Inland Empire IG. The site should follow the guidelines for websites published by the World Service Office. The Website Liaison responds to any email requests made via the site, forwarding them to the appropriate body as necessary. |