There are no dues or fees for members; we are self-supporting through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations. OA is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine; we take no position on outside issues.
Our primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors and to carry the message of recovery through the Twelve Steps of OA to those who still suffer.
Contribution recommendation from WSO has been changed in late 2024 to 50/40/10
OA Intergroup - 50% OA Inland Empire PO Box 56021 Riverside, CA 92517 Include your Meeting Number with the donation (can be found on the meeting list) You can contribute to the Inland Empire Intergroup online via the "Donate" icon above. R2 - 10% Overeaters Anonymous Region 2 4733 Torrance Blvd, PMB 335 Torrance, CA 90503 You can mail your donation along with your Meeting Number or you can donate with a credit card below. WSO - 40% World Service Office PO Box 44727 Rio Rancho, NM 87174-4727 You can contribute on line here: There's a form to complete if you mail in: Your meeting number can be found on our OA IG Meeting List. We are in Region 2 |